There’s something to be said about owning a product’s vision and quality from the very inception to its launch. There are many stages of product development, particularly those that involve hardware, and one thing that seems to be a glaring oversight that has become a slight trend is the integration of hardware and software. In a nutshell of a nutshell you can simply think of…

The mobile operating system landscape has changed so much within the last 5 years. This is due largely in part to the rise of the smartphone, the release of the iPhone, and in the latter part Android’s maturation. But mobile apps within those operating systems have experienced a monumental shift as well. Think about the phone that you were using circa 2004. Then think about…

There’s a lot of talk these days of how we are going to be, or already have entered the “Post-PC” era. A world where smartphones and tablets are supreme and the days of desktops and laptops are behind us. Of course there is always going to be a place for the power-house desktop and laptop machines, but for the most part it is true, but…